
// Montag

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  _____  _      __  ____    __  ___ ______  ____   ____ 
 / ___/ | | /| / / / __ \  /  |/  //_  __/ / __ \ / __ \
/ (_ /  | |/ |/ / / /_/ / / /|_/ /  / /   / /_/ // /_/ /
\___/   |__/|__/  \___\_\/_/  /_/  /_/    \____/ \___\_\
  • E-Mail address will not be published.
  • Formatting:
    //italic//  __underlined__
    **bold**  ''preformatted''
  • Links:
    [[http://example.com|Link Text]]
  • Quotation:
    > This is a quote. Don't forget the space in front of the text: "> "
  • Code:
    <code>This is unspecific source code</code>
    <code [lang]>This is specifc [lang] code</code>
    <code php><?php echo 'example'; ?></code>
    Available: html, css, javascript, bash, cpp, …
  • Lists:
    Indent your text by two spaces and use a * for
    each unordered list item or a - for ordered ones.
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