
// Mittwoch

How to see around corners

This video shows how scientists at the MIT Media Lab reconstruct a hidden object using scattered laser light. Future applications may include seeing in dangerous or inaccessible locations, such as inside machinery with moving parts, or in highly contaminated areas.

Der weiße Hai: HD Filmrestauration

Academy Award Winner Steven Spielberg's iconic summer classic comes to Blu-ray for the first time ever on August 14th, digitally remastered and fully restored in honor of Universal's 100th Anniversary Celebration. Take a look at the extensive process that went into restoring this unforgettable film.

Painting with light and strobe bullet time

- 96 camera rig, 30s sequential exposure.
- A lot of running around with lights.
- Also combining manual and pulsing strobe flash.
- All real in camera imaging.


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