Grundgerüst für einen TCP-Server in PHP
<? /* _________________________________________________________________________________________________ tcp-server.php v.0.1 build 0403 written by Heiko Barth :: 03/2008 Copyright (c) 2008 Heiko Barth This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. USING AT YOUR OWN RISK. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ So if there's something you don't like, don't sit on the sidelines. Get involved and reform it. Evolution works better than revolution, after all! */ // <Configuration> // $interface = 0; // 0 = all interfaces, otherwise enter interface ip $port = 5555; // listen port $connections = 50; // max concurrent connetions // </Configuration> // set_time_limit(0); ob_implicit_flush(); // check if socket extension is available if (!function_exists('socket_create')) { if(!(@dl("") || @dl("php_sockets.dll"))) { die("Error: Socket extension not available.\n"); } } // <Creating & Binding socket> // $sock = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("TCP")) or die("Error creating socket.\n"); @socket_bind($sock, $interface, $port) or die("Error binding socket. Port $port is already in use!?\n"); @socket_listen($sock, $connections) or die("Error while setting listen mode on socket.\n"); // </Creating & Binding socket> // $clients = array(); // monitor socks do { $updatesocks = array(); $updatesocks[] = $sock; foreach($clients as $clientsock) { $updatesocks[] = $clientsock; } // check wait for incoming connections $sockschanged = socket_select($updatesocks, $writesocks, $errorsocks, 1); if ($sockschanged > 0) { foreach($updatesocks as $csock) { if ($csock == $sock) { // accept connection if (count($clients) < $connections) { $newsock = socket_accept($sock); if ($newsock) { $clients[] = $newsock; client_connected($newsock); } } } else { // call function to handle client data $sockdata = @socket_read($csock, 512); if (($sockdata !== false) && ($sockdata != "")) { // !== handles case character "0" was send if ($sockdata != "") { handle_client($sockdata); } else { // closed socket!? --> recognized by tests with the apache benchmark utility while creating timeouts remove_client(); } } else { // on error: close socket and delete client from array // echo socket_last_error($csock); remove_client(); } } } } // shows connections at console title; win32 only #$cmd = "title Connections: " . count($clients); #`$cmd`; } while (true); // use this functin to handle client input // $data contains the data send by the client // use "socket_write($csock, $YOURDATA, strlen($YOURDATA));" to send data to the client function client_connected($sock) { socket_getpeername($sock, $ip); echo $ip . " connected\n"; } function handle_client($data) { global $csock; socket_getpeername($csock, $ip); echo "[$ip] " . trim($data) . "\n"; if (@socket_write($csock, "ok\n") === false) { remove_client(); } } $buffer = array(); function remove_client() { echo "Client disconnected\n"; global $csock; global $clients; $arr = array_keys($clients, $csock); unset($clients[$arr[0]]); @socket_shutdown($csock); @socket_close($csock); }